KUKDO protects the environment, fulfills its responsibilities to our society, and pursues sustainable management by conducting business under a transparent governance structure. To this end, it has established and promulgated ESG management policies, and all employees practice them responsibly.

Environmental Management

KUKDO is dedicated to minimizing its environmental impact by reducing the discharge of waste (both wastewater and solid waste), as well as controlling air and water pollutants through environmental impact assessment, improvement activities, and monitoring systems throughout the entire product production process. In addition, we are constantly striving to achieve the highest global standard by actively participating in greenhouse gas reduction efforts through conserving and efficiently allocating energy resources, and establishing an environmental management system (ISO 14001). We will continue to strictly comply with domestic and international environmental regulations, apply stringent internal standards, and engage in sustainable environmental management activities going forward.

Management of
Environmental Pollutants
  • Operate environmental pollutant monitoring systems (DCS, TMS, etc.).
  • Operate a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO), an optimal pollution prevention facility.
  • Operate pollutant leakage prevention facilities.
  • Use bio-based steam energy (greenhouse gas reduction).
  • Minimize the generation of pollutants through process improvement.
Operation of Environmental
Management Systems
  • Establish and operate an emergency response system.
  • Conduct regular internal inspections and evaluations.
  • Inspect the environmental management of business partners.
Enhancement of the Capacity
of Environmental Experts
  • Train internal environmental experts.
  • Publish a monthly environmental newsletter and provide education.

Safety and Health Management

KUKDO considers the safety and health of its employees, business partners, visiting customers, and the local community as its top priority. It has established and implemented a proactive safety and health management system (ISO 45001) and continues to advance it. We will continue to encourage active participation in safety and health activities by all employees and strengthen their capabilities to establish a sustainable prevention-oriented safety culture.

  • 소방 훈련 1
  • 소방 훈련 2
Spread of Safety Culture
  • Operate safety culture practice projects and campaigns.
  • Measure the level of safety culture and continue improvement efforts.
Firm Establishment of a Safety
and Health Management System
  • Continuously enhance and implement safety guidelines and standards.
  • Conduct activities to improve the effectiveness of Safety Operation Procedures (SOP).
Enhancement of Safety
and Health Capabilities
  • Operate safety and health capacity-building programs.
  • Conduct daily on-site safety and health activities.
Operation of Health
Promotion Programs
  • Provide employee health consultations and follow-up care.
  • Operate comfortable physical fitness facilities and rest areas.

Human Rights Management

KUKDO has made the philosophy of human rights management, which aims to enrich the lives of its employees and various stakeholders, and furthermore, all members of society, the foundation of its management by incorporating it into the management philosophy. Based on this, we recruit diverse talents without discrimination, guarantees a minimum living wage to improve the quality of life, provides ample educational opportunities for individual development, and offers a pleasant working environment, thereby continuously innovating to be a great workplace where employees can achieve their visions.

Compliance Management

Since its establishment in 1972, KUKDO has embraced “Legitimacy and Justice” as its management philosophy, with a commitment to ‘complying with all regulations and thinking and acting in accordance with laws and principles’ as the core values guiding its actions. This commitment to law-abiding management is deeply ingrained throughout the company’s operations.

At present, the Legal and Compliance Group, reporting directly to the CEO, spearheads establishment and implementation of the company's compliance policies. This includes the establishment and operation of compliance policies, compliance education, and fair-trade compliance programs. The group also regularly reports on the results of compliance control activities to the Board of Directors to continuously create a fair and transparent corporate culture.

Establishment and
Operation of Standards
  • Establish compliance policies and procedures.
  • Establish and distribute top management’s commitment-related guides.
Internal accounting
  • Operate an effective internal accounting management system.
  • Detect risks.
  • Provide regular/occasional training to all executives and employees.
  • Provide education on the latest legal information, both domestically and internationally.
  • Operate an anonymous reporting (whistleblowing) channel.
  • Activate the monitoring system.
  • Offer continuous compliance advice through a dedicated organization.
Review and Prevention of Recurrence
  • Conduct an objective investigation and take follow-up measures.
Compliance Status
  • Obtained ISO 37001 (Anti-Bribery Management System) certification
  • Promulgated the anti-corruption and bribery policy
  • Obtained ISO 37301 (Compliance Management System) certification
  • Established compliance control standards and appointed the chief compliance officer (CCO)
  • Promulgated the compliance policy
  • Established an organization responsible for compliance

Win-Win Management

KUKDO firmly believes its ultimate goal is to evolve into a trusted partner for not only its customers and business partners but also for every members of society, collectively achieving success. We promise to fulfill its corporate social responsibility as a company that is always committed to sharing with those around it and protecting the socially vulnerable and as a partner that progresses alongside its customers and business partners.

Our Promises
  • We do not exploit our corporate position to make unfair demands or accept money, gifts, entertainment, or other favors from customers, business partners, or other stakeholders.
  • We do not engage in unnecessary financial transactions between employees or make stock investments using internal information.
  • We comply with the company's regulations and principles and do not engage in any corrupt activities.